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What the melting Arctic means for the world
The Arctic is turning from white to blue, absorbing more heat and disrupting the world's weather patterns. If Arctic ice disappears completely we are heading for disaster.
This AI can track shrinking icebergs in seconds
The AI was trained on images from the European Space Agency and can detect icebergs even in challenging weather conditions. One day, it could produce regular updates, tracking iceberg size in real-time and measuring the rate of meltwater "flux" into the ocean, which impacts marine ecosystems.
Scientist says glacier melting poses imminent threat to life | World ...
Scientist Jemma Wadham says glacier melting poses an imminent threat to life. Glaciers and ice sheets store about 70% of the world’s fresh water. Wadham has spent her career studying glaciers from the Swiss Alps to the Himalayas.
9 ways AI is helping tackle climate change - The World Economic Forum
Icebergs are melting – AI knows where and how fast AI has been trained to measure changes in icebergs 10,000 times faster than a human could do it. This will help scientists understand how much meltwater icebergs release into the ocean – a process accelerating as climate change warms the atmosphere .
35 years of arctic ice melting, in 125 seconds - The World Economic Forum
The Arctic ice melting situation has implications for the rest of the planet, such as causing sea levels to rise and disturbing ocean currents and ecosystems. According to NASA, the past four years have been the warmest on record and the planet’s average global surface temperature is now 1°C hotter than in the pre-industrial 1880s.
Climate change: The state of melting glaciers on sea levels | World ...
A study has found an increase in the rate of melting glaciers over the past 20 years with annual rates of glacier thinning 'nearly doubling' from 2000-2019 Around 10% of the world’s land surface is covered by glaciers, storing 70% of the Earth’s freshwater - but they're melting, and fast.
The deadly diseases being released as ice thaws - The World Economic Forum
And rather than diseases being released by melting ice, some argue that as Earth warms northern countries will become more susceptible to outbreaks of "southern" diseases like malaria, cholera and dengue fever, as these pathogens thrive at warmer temperatures.
Which cities are at risk from ice sheets melting? This tool holds the ...
The tool works by taking into account the Earth’s rotation and gravitational effects to paint a broader picture of how certain melting points impact cities. Users of the tool can then pick from 293 cities to see how melting ice structures might affect different coastal regions.